Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help. If you don't find an answer to your question below, feel free to Contact Us with any other questions.
What is an adaptogen?

In simple terms, an adaptogen helps your body respond to stress. It's a natural substance, such as a plant or herb, shown to help the body adapt to stress and resist the damaging effects of physical, cognitive, emotional, and environmental stressors. Adaptogens modulate the body's natural stress response system and other physiological processes.

Why should I take PLASMAIDE?

PLASMAIDE through it's active ingredient Pine Bark Extract, stimulates increased production of endogenously-produced nitric oxide, which may help to improve blood oxygen and nutrient flow, reduce inflammation, and promote energy and endurance while supporting fast and efficient recovery from normal short-term muscle soreness.

When should I take PLASMAIDE?

In general, take pre- or post-activity as follows:

— sports/exercise: take 1 packet (45 ml) 30 to 60 minutes before and/or after

— health/wellbeing: take 1 packet (45ml) in the morning and/or at night

* Do not take during your activity; PLASMAIDE is not a hydration product.

Visit our How to Use guide for more specific recommendations based on activities and sports.

How should I take PLASMAIDE?

For best use, store in a cool place and shake well before use. If you're on the go, rip and sip it. Or, if you have time, you can mix in a smoothie.*

* Do not use with soy milk.

Can I take PLASMAIDE with other Nitric Oxide supplements? 

PLASMAIDE does not recommend use with other nitric oxide (NO) supplements. 

PLASMAIDE acts as an adaptogen that works with the natural antioxidant system to increase NO production and stability. 

When used in conjunction with PLASMAIDE, the use of NO supplements could lead to overproduction of NO, resulting in adverse vasodilation. 

Adverse vasodilation in some people could lead to dizziness or light headaches. 

Also, excessive vasodilation does not result in increased performance benefits. 

Is PLASMAIDE safe and clean for athletes?

Yes, we partner with Informed Sport and firstFlagX to bring you a product tested and certified for known and unknown banned substances.

Is PLASMAIDE available in stores?

Not at this time. PLASMAIDE is available exclusively online in the United States at The Feed. We are also available online and in select speciality outlets in Australia and the United Kingdom.

PLASMAIDE is also available through Du Kan Auka in Norway. Please visit the Du Kan Auka website for a full list of their shipping locations.