This guide walks you through the recommended usage of PLASMAIDE for different activities, ensuring you can maximise the benefits in every scenario.

Endurance Sports

Endurance sports require sustained effort over long periods. PLASMAIDE supports your training and competition by providing the necessary support to keep you going strong from start to finish.

General Preparation:

  • Begin with 1 packet daily for 4 weeks leading up to your event to build a solid foundation.
  • On the day of the event, take 1 packet 30-45 minutes before the start to boost performance.
  • After the event, take 1 packet in the evening to aid recovery.
  • Continue with 1 packet daily for 1-2 weeks post-event to ensure full recovery.

Stage Races:

  • Use 1 packet 30 minutes before each stage to prepare for the day's effort.
  • After each stage, take 1 additional packet in the evening to speed up recovery.
  • For 1 week after the race, continue with 1 packet daily to maintain recovery.

Ultra Events (over 6 hours):

  • For optimal preparation, take 1 packet daily for 3-4 weeks before the event.
  • On event day, take 1 packet 30-45 minutes before the start.
  • During the event, take 1 packet during any 30-minute breaks.
  • After the event, take 1 packet in the evening to start the recovery process.
  • Continue with 1 packet daily for 2 weeks post-event for full recovery.

General Use:

  • Use 1 packet daily for 4 weeks for consistent performance, then take 1 week off to prevent adaptation and maximize benefits.
  • Adjust usage based on your training schedule, especially before significant sessions or events.

Team Sports

Team sports involve frequent, high-intensity bursts of activity. PLASMAIDE helps you maintain peak performance during games and supports recovery between matches.

In Season:

  • Take 1 packet before training sessions to ensure you're ready to perform.
  • On game days, take 1 packet 30 minutes before the match.
  • After the game, take an additional packet in the evening to aid recovery.


  • Prepare by taking 1 packet daily for 2 weeks before the tournament.
  • On the day of the first game, take 1 packet before the match.
  • During tournament days, take additional packet every 4 hours, 30 minutes before games, based on the schedule.
  • Post-tournament, take 1 packet daily for 1 week in the evening to ensure proper recovery.


  • Tailor your intake based on the length of the pre-season.
  • Use 1 packet before hard training sessions (around 3 times per week).
  • Take 1 packet in the evening before rest days for better recovery.
  • In the week leading up to the first game, take 1 packet daily.

Individual Sports

Individual sports vary greatly in intensity and skill requirements. PLASMAIDE adapts to these needs, providing support whether you’re in a high-intensity competition or a skill-focused event.

High-Intensity Events:

  • Take 1 packet 30 minutes before training or competitions to enhance performance.
  • After competitions, take 1 additional packet in the evening for faster recovery.
  • Follow a 4-week on, 1-week off cycle to maintain effectiveness.
  • Avoid use during specific adaptation periods; only use before hard training days.

Skill-Based Events:

  • Take 1 packet 30 minutes before practice or performance to ensure peak focus and energy.
  • After activities, take 1 packet to wind down and recover.
  • For major events, take 1 packet daily for 3-4 weeks before the event.
  • Use the same protocol during the event and daily for 1 week post-event.
  • Follow a 4-week on, 1-week off cycle.

General Athletic Activities:

  • Take 1 packet 30 minutes before engaging in training or any exertive activities.
  • During multi-event days, take additional packets every 4 hours, 30 minutes before each activity.
  • Post-activity, take 1 packet daily for 1 week to aid recovery.
  • Follow a 4-week on, 1-week off cycle to maintain benefits.

General Fitness

Whether at the gym, practicing yoga, or cross-training, PLASMAIDE helps you stay energized and recover efficiently.

  • Use 1 packet 30 minutes before your sessions to enhance your workout.
  • If not training, take 1 packet in the evening or morning, whichever suits your schedule.
  • Follow a 4-week on, 1-week off cycle to maximize effectiveness and prevent adaptation.


Traveling can take a toll on your body, whether on a short domestic flight or a long international journey. PLASMAIDE helps you stay energized and refreshed, ensuring you arrive at your destination feeling your best.

Short-Haul (up to 4 hours):

  • Take 1 packet 30 minutes before departure to prepare your body for the journey.
  • Take 1 packet in the evening upon arrival to help you settle in and recover quickly.

Long-Haul (over 4 hours):

  • Take 1 packet 30 minutes before departure to start your trip on the right foot.
  • During the flight, take 1 packet every 4-6 hours to maintain energy and hydration levels.


"PLASMAIDE's been amazing for me. The immediate benefits I noticed were purely related to my brain’s response and focus. I felt an improvement within the first 30 minutes of taking it. PLASMAIDE has also allowed me to back up day after day and string together consistent weeks of volume and quality training sessions."

Laura Jane Dennis - Professional Triathlete (AUS)